Dairy Development Corporation 2074 old Question

Dairy Development Corporation 2074 old Question

Dairy Development Corporation
Kathmandu, Nepal
1.         Which command can be used to recreate the disk's tracks  and sectors ?
A. FDISK       B. FORMAT   C. CHKDSK              D.ATTRIB
2.         What is the short cut key to replace a data with another in sheet in ms excel?
A. Ctrl+R        B.  Ctrl+shift+R          C. Ctrl+H        D. Ctrl+E
3.         What type of effect can be seen by pressing ctrl+= key in ms-word?
A. Superscript             B. Subscript    C. All caps      D. shadow
4.         When a computer is first turned on or restarted a special type of absolute loader called ……… is executed.
A. Compiler loader     B. Boot loader                        C. Bootstrap loader     D. Relating loader
5.         Except for the …… function, a formula with a logical function shows the word "TRUE'' or ''FALSE'' as a result.
A. IF               B. AND          C. OR              D. NOT
6.         What is a document outline view in ms-word?
A. A preview in a full screen              B. A view with a structure of heading at various levels
C. View with a margins and gutter     D. A preview with margins
7.         You can find the….. menu bar to use the different mathematical question directly.
A. View menu bar                   B. Insert menu bar
C. References menu bar          D. Review menu bar
8.        To drag a selected range of data to another worksheet in the same workbook. We use one of the following.
A. Press Tab key                                 B. Press Alt key
C. Press shift key                                D. Press Ctrl key
9.         Which of the following methods cannot be used to edit the content of the cell in Ms- Excel?
A. Pressing the alt key                                    B. Clicking the formula bar
C. Pressing F2 key                                          D. Double clicking the cell
10.       What encapsulates both data and data manipulation function?
A. Object        B. Class           C. Super Class             D. Sub Class
11.       Which of the following is/are computer crime?
A. Hacking      B. Piracy         C. Sabotage     D. All of the above
12.       Which of the following is not a network topology?
A. Star             B. Ring            C. Bus                         D. Sun Solaris
13.       A Router ………..
A. Distributes information between networks            B. Screens coming information 
C. Clears all viruses from computer   system              D. Is a protocol
14.       In a ….. topology, if there is an n devices in a network, each devices has n-1 ports for cables.
A. Mesh          B. Star             C. Bus                         D. Ring
15.       Which of   the following represent a relationship among  a set of values?
A.  Row          B. Column       C. Field           D. Table
16.       Domain Name server translates a domain name into…..
A. Binary        B. Hex             C. IP                D. URL
17 .      ….. is a standard mail protocol used to receive email from remote server to a local email client.
A.  POP3         B. SMTP         C. IMAP         D. FTP
18.       Which of  the following is/ are the drawback of ring topology?
A. Failure of one computer can affect the whole network
B. Adding or removing the computer is relatively easy
C. If the central hub fails, the whole network fails to operate
D. None of the above
 19.     What do you call the translator that translates assembly language program into machine codes?
            A. Compiler                B. Interpreter              C. Debugger                D. Assembler
20.       What do you call the rules of a programming language?
            A. Procedure               B. Login                      C. Assembly                D. Syntax
21.       Through which device do the main components of the computer communication                      with each other?
            A. Keyboard               B. System Bus                        C. Monitor                 D. Memory
22.       How was the generation of computer classified?
A. By the device used in memory and processor                   B. By the time period
C. By the model of the computer                               D. By the accuracy of computer
23.       Which of the following is a read only memory storage device?
A. Floppy Disk                       B. Compact Disk        C. Hard Disk      D. Magnetic Disk
24.       Who invented analytical engine?
A. Blaise pascal                       B. George Bole
C. Charles Babbage                D. Dr. Herman Hollerith
25.       What is a light pen?
A.  Mechanical input device               B. Optical input device
C. Electronic input device                  D. Optical output device
26.       The basic operations performed by a computer are
A. Arithmetic operation                      B. Logical operation
C. Storage                                           D. All of the above
27.       The programs which are as permanents as hardware and stored in Rom are know as
A. Hardware               B. Software                 C. Firmware                D. Rom ware
28.       Which of the following have the fastest access time?
A. Semiconductor  memory                 B. Magnetic Disk
C. Magnetic Tapes                              D. Compacts Disks
29.       How do you switch between programs in windows?
A. Altt+Tab                B. Shift+Tab               C. F1               D. F6
30.       Which keys do you press to quite without saving in msdos?
A. Ctrl+A        B. Ctrl+S                     C. Ctrl+C                    D. Ctrl+Q
  Answers :
1.b       2.C      3.B      4. c      5.A      6. A     7.B      8.D      9.A      10.A    11.A    12.D  
13. A     14.A    15.A    16.C    17. A    18. A and B both     19. D    20.D    21.B    22. A 
23. B      24. C      25. B         26. D   27. C   28. A   29. A   30. C. 


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