PSC Asst. Computer Operator Exam 2073, Exam Date: 2073-02-32
PSC Asst.
Computer Operator Exam 2073
Exam Date: 2073-02-32
1. Which command is used to display all
the files having the (.exe) extension but different filename?
a. dir* .ext
b. dir filename.*
c. dir filename.ext
d. dir* .sys
command is used to :
a. report the status of tiles on disk
b. analyze the hard disk error
c. diagnose the hard disk error
d. all of the above
3. Which command is used to change the
file name?
a. ren
b. rename
c. both of above
d. none of above
4. Which among the following are the best
tools for fixing errors on disks?
a. Fixdsk
b. Fdisk
c. Scandisk
d. Chkdsk
5. The key F12 opens a :
a. Close dialog box
b. save as dialog box
c. oen dialog box
d. save dialog box
6. Which file starts MS word?
a. word2003.exe
b. word.exe
c. winword.exe
d. msword.exe
7. To invoke help in MS window one has to
a. F4
b. F1
c. F2
d. F3
8. Key combination used for UNDO is MS
word is:
a. Ctrl+U
b. Ctrl+z
c. Ctrl+Y
d. Ctrl+V
9. Which of the following is not a valid
view type in MS-Word?
a. Print layout
b. web layout
c. outline layout
d. inline layout
10. What is the short cut to justify text
to center?
a. Ctrl+e
b. Ctrl+s
c. Ctrl+l
d. Ctrl+c
11. Which of the following is an example
for automatic text formatting?
a. replacing two -'s with an hyphen
b. underlining hyperlink
c. adjusting extra space
d. all of the above
12. Feature that enables several people to
work to create and update a document:
a. document protection
b. document sharing
c. document locking
d. document collaboration
13. If you want to keep track of different
editions of a document which features will you use?
a. track change
b. editions
c. versions
d. all of the above
14. To underline selected text in one can
a. tab+U
b. alt+U
c. ctrl+U
d. shift+U
15. what
is a portion of a document in which you set certain page formatting options as
a. page setup
b. page
c. document
d. section
16. Which of the following is not a type of
page margin?
a. top
b. left
c. right
d. center
17. You can break the
column by:
a. pressing alt+enter
b. pressing ctrl+shift+enter
c. pressing ctrl+enter
d. pressing shift+enter
18. A feature of MS word that saves the
document automatically after certain interval is available on:
a. presing ctrl+s
b. save tab on options dialog box
c. save as dialog box
d. none of above
19. Excel uniquely identifies cells within
a worksheet with a cell name which is a:
a. number
b. cell names
c. column numbers and row letters
d. column letters and row numbers
20. Which wymbol must all formula begin
a. @
b. =
c. +
d. (
21. Getting data from a cell located in a different
sheet is called …..
a. functioning
b. accessing
c. referencing
d. updating
22. To auto fit the width of column:
a. double click the column header
b. double click the right border of column
c. double click the left border of column
d. all of the above
23. A circular reference is:
a. a formula that either directly or
indirectly depends on itself
b. geometric modeling tool
c. a cell that points to a drawing object
d. always erroneous
24. To add the number of cell A2 and A9:
a. =sum(A2,A9)
b. =sum(A2 and A9)
c. =add(A2:A9)
d. =sum(A2 to A9)
25. Absolute reference to cell A3 is
expressed as:
a. @A$3
b. @A3
c. A$3
d. $A$3
26. You want to track the progress of the
stock market on a daily basis. Which type of chart should you use?
a. column chart
b. pie chart
c. row chart
d. line chart
27. MS-Excel files have a default extension
a. .xsl
b. .xls
c. doc
d. .xlw
28. Which of the following formulas is not
entered correctly?
a. 10+50
b. =10+50
c. =B7*B1
d. =B7+14
29. If you press ……, the cell accepts your
typing as its contents.
a. insert
b. enter
c. ctrl+enter
d. tab
30. You can print:
a. a single worksheet
b. a range of cell by range name
c. an entire worksheet
d. all of the above
31. ……… is a collection of data stored in a
standardized format, designed to be shared by multiple users.
a. relation
b. database
c. record
d. database management system
32. The
sql query : SELECT * FROM employee
a. displays structure of employee table
b. displays all field names from employee
c. displays all records from employee
d. all of the above
33. A field or group of fields that
uniquely identifies every row of a table is ….
a. access key
b. primary key
c. foreign key
d. hot key
34. Which of the following should you use
if you want all the slide in the presentation to have the same
a. a presentation design template
b. the slide layout option
c. add a slide option
d. outline view
35. Which file format can be added to a
Power Point show?
a. .wav
b. .jpg
c. .gif
d. all of the above
36. IBM 1401 was brought to prepare the
census report of ….
a. 2048 BS
b. 2018 BS
c. 2028 BS
d. 2038 BS
37. Transistor is related to ….. generation
a. fifth
b. second
c. third
d. fourth
38. Which of the following is the type of
computer on the basis of size?
a. hybrid
b. analog
c. micro
d. digital
39. Component of computer system ….
a. processing unit
b. input unit
c. output unit
d. all of the above
40. Which of the following storage is
a. Blue-ray disc
b. RAM
c. ROM
d. Register
41. Unicode standard is ……
a. keyboard layout
b. software
c. font
d. character encoding system
42. If
any person publishes illegal materials in electronic from, he shall be liable
to the punishment with:
a. fine not exceeding two thousand rupees
and with imprisonment not exceeding five years or with both
b. fine not exceeding one hundred thousand
rupees or with the imprisonment not exceeding five years or with both
c. fine not exceeding two thousand rupees
and with imprisonment not exceeding three years
d. fine not exceeding two thousand rupees
or with imprisonment not exceeding three years or with both
43. Program developed according to the
requirement specific to an office is ….
a. packaged software
b. tailored software
c. utility software
d. all of the above
44. C Language was developed by ….
a. Steve Jobs
b. Linus Torvalds
c. Bill Gates
d. Dennis Ritche
45. Cache memory ….
a. stores data permanently
b. helps to store more data in hard disk
c. placed between main memory and
d. holds last time visited web site only
46. GIF images can have only upto ….
a. 1024
b. 128
c. 256
d. 512
47. A protocol is ….
a. an operating system
b. interconnection pattern of computers
c. set of rules for communication
d. a device for internet
48. A dot matrix printer:
a. input device
b. is output device
c. cannot print alphabet
d. cannot print number
49. File with which extension is not executable?
a. exe
b. com
c. sys
d. bat
50. The batch file uses the extension:
a. .DOS
b. .BAT
c. .DOC
d. .PRG
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