Sahek Computer Operator Questions of 2013

Kharidar Questions of 2013

1.      What is the default left margin in word document?
a.      2"
b.      1"
c.       1.25"
d.     1.5"
Answer: 1.25"
2.      What is Gutter Margin?
a.      Margin that is added to the binding side of page when printing.
b.      Margin that is added to the left margin when printing.
c.       margin that is added to right margin when printing.
d.     none of the above.
Answer: Margin that is added to the binding side of page when printing.
3.      Which of the following is not a font style?
a.      Superscript
b.      bold
c.       italics
d.     regular
Answer: Superscript
4.      Which is true with save as command?
a.      save a document in new location.
b.      Save a document with a new name.
c.       Cancel Saving          
d.     Both A and B
Answer: both a and b
5.      Ms-Word is a …………………………program.
a.      Spread Sheet
b.      Graphics
c.       Word processing
d.     None of the above
Answer: word processing
6.      Table is a …………………….
a.      Computer's Memory
b.      Collection of rows only
c.       Collection of rows and columns
d.     Collection of columns
Answer: collection of rows and columns

7.      Short cut key for find and replace dialog box is…..
a.      Shift+FR
b.      Shift + R
c.       CTRL + F
d.     ALT + R
Answer: ctrl+f

8.      Which of the following is not the feature of Ms-word?
a.      Multiple document/files can be merged.
b.      Provides tools such as data consolidation, goal seek, scenario etc.
c.       Margins and page length can be adjusted as desired.
d.     Spelling can be checked and modified through the spell check facility.
Answer: provides tools such as data consolidation, goal seek, scenario etc.
9.      We can show the record of table graphically through………….
a.      Formula
b.      Chart
c.       Table
d.     None of the above
Answer: chart
10.  Intersectional part of rows and columns are known as……….
a.      cell
b.      column
c.       table
d.     row
Answer: cell
11.  We use………operator to multiply in Ms excel.
a.      <=
b.      *
c.       x
d.     /
Answer: *
12.  Types of chart are……..
a.      column chart
b.      bar chart
c.       pie chart
d.     all of the above
Answer: all of the above
13.  Which one is an example of Absolute Reference Cell?
a.      C5
b.      $ D $ 7
c.       A5:h5
d.     none of the above
Answer: $D$7
14.  What is the extension of Microsoft excel file?
a.      .xml
b.      .html
c.       .xls
d.     .pmt
Answer:  .xls
15.  In Ms excel a formula always start with ………….sign.
b.      =
c.       <> 
d.     >=
Answer: =
16.  Ms Excel is …………………. program.
a.      graphics
b.      database
c.       spread sheet
d.     none of the above
Answer: spread sheet
17.  Which of the following is not a valid data type in excel?
a.      data/time
b.      label
c.       number
d.     character
Answer: character
18.  Select the correct formula for addition.
a.      =max(A2:A5)
b.      =sum(A2:A5)
c.       =add(A2+A3+A4+A5)
d.     none of the above
Answer: =sum(a2:a5)
19.  < is …………….. operator.
a.      my operator
b.      logical
c.       arithmetic
d.     comparison
Answer: comparison operator
20.  In excel a numeric value can be treated as a label value if it precedes with:
a.      ampersand(&)
b.      apostrophe(')
c.       exclamation(!)
d.     hash(#)
Answer: apostrophe(')

21.  Which of the following key uniquely identify table?
a.      unique key
b.      foreign key
c.       key records
d.     primary key
Answer: primary key
22.  What is the columns in Ms-access table called?
a.      columns
b.      rows
c.       records
d.     fields
Answer: field
23.  Which of the following controls is known as drop down list?
a.      text box
b.      list
c.       combo list
d.     none of the above
Answer: combo list
24.  The power point view that displays only text (title & text) is…
a.      note page view
b.      slide show
c.       slide sorter view
d.     outline view
Answer: outline view
25.  We can run power point slide in another computer program.
a.      export
b.      pack and go
c.       save and go
d.     none of the above
Answer: pack and go
26.  Which of the following items do not have unique on a network?
a.      work group name
b.      IP address
c.       computer name
d.     all of the above
Answer: workgroup name
27.  The mouse, joystick and light pen are examples of ….
a.      storage devices
b.      input devices
c.       output devices
d.     none of the above
Answer: input devices

28.  Which generation of the computer was made of transistor?
a.      fourth
b.      first
c.       second
d.     third
Answer: second
29.  The output quality of a printer is measured by……..
a.      dots printed per unit time
b.      dot per inch
c.       dot per sq.inch
d.     all of the above
Answer: dot per inch
30.  Which of the following is not computer language?
a.      medium level language
b.      high level language
c.       low level language
d.     all of the above
Answer: medium level language
31.  An IP address contains four sets of number ranging from…..
a.      1 to 255
b.      1 to 100
c.       1 to 1000
d.     none of the above
Answer: 1 to 255
32.  Which American Computer Company is called Big blue?
a.      Tandy Sevenson
b.      Microsoft
c.       Compaq Corp
d.     IBM
Answer: IBM
33.  Which of the following is a term related with scanners?
a.      Media
b.      Laser
c.       TWAIN
d.     Cartridge
Answer: twain
34.  In a Supermarket, which of the following will be used in its computerized system?
a.      bar code reader
b.      pen
c.       pencil
d.     none of the above
Answer: barcode reader

35.  The first computer introduced in Nepal was………
a.      ICT 1402
b.      IBM 1400
c.       IBM 1401
d.     ICT 1401
Answer: ibm 1401
36.  Charles Babbage invented:
a.      punched card
b.      ENIAC
c.       difference engine
d.     electronic computer
Answer: difference engine
37.  Who designed the first electronics computer – ENIAC?
a.      J.P. Presper Eckert
b.      Van-neumann
c.       Joseph M.Jacquard
d.     All of the above
Answer: J.P. Presper Eckert
38.  All of the following are examples of storage devices EXCEPT:
a.      CD
b.      Hard Disk
c.       Printers
d.     Floppy Disk
Answer: printer
39.  Demodulation is a process of :
a.      performing data description
b.      converting analog to digital signal
c.       converting digital signals
d.     multiplexing various solutions into one high speed line signals
Answer: digital signal
40.  Which is not an operating system?
a.      Unix
b.      Linux
c.       MS-Dos
d.     Ms-Word
Answer: ms word
41.  The major functions of operating system:
a.      Process Management
b.      Memory Management
c.       Files Management
d.     All of the Above
Answer: all of the above

42.  Spooling technique is associated with:
a.      Operating System and Keyboard
b.      Operating System and Scanner
c.       Operating System and Printer
d.     Operating System and Hard Disk
Answer: operating system and printer
43.  GUI stands for:
a.      Graphical User Interface
b.      Graphical Universal Interconnection
c.       Graphical User Information
d.     Graphical User Internet
Answer: graphical user interface
44.  FAT stand for:
a.      File attributes type
b.      file for all type
c.       Format all tab setting
d.     File allocation table
Answer: file allocation table
45.  To move to the bottom of a document press……
a.      Ctrl+end key
b.      End key
c.       Home key
d.     Alt+end key
Answer: Ctrl+End key
46.  By default your document print in …….mode.
a.      Print View
b.      Landscape
c.       Portrait
d.     Page Setup
Answer: portrait mode
47.  Ms-word is a ………… software.
a.      Game
b.      System
c.       Application
d.     Utility
Answer: application software
48.  Which one of the following is not found in Ms-word?
a.      Bullet
b.      Table
c.       Formula Bar
d.     Font
Answer: formula bar
49.  Borders can be applied to:
a.      Text box
b.      Image
c.       Paragraph
d.     All of the above
Answer: all of the above
50.  Which of the following is not a type of page margin?
a.      Top
b.      Left
c.       Right
d.     Center
Answer: center


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