Computer Operator Questions of 2013
Public Service Commission Examination Computer Operator 2013 1. A small or intelligent device is so called because it contains within it a a. Computer b. Microcomputer c. Programmable d. Sensor Correct Answer: Sensor 2. Each IP packet must contain a. Only source address b. Only destination address c. Source and destination address d. Source or destination address Correct Answer: Source and destination address 3. The two basic types of record access methods are a. Sequential and random b. Sequential and indexed c. Direct and immediate d. Online and realtime Correct Answer: Sequential and random 4. Which of the following memories needs refresh a. SRAM b. DRAM c. ROM d. All of above Correct Answer: DRAM 5. First Generation computers used to have processing speed in a. Microsecond b. Millisecond c. Nanosecond d. Picosecond Correct Answer: Millisecond 6. USB stands for a. Unique serial bus b. Unique save data...